Transport Technical Paper [EXAM 114]
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Transport Technical Paper [EXAM 114]
2. Key Concerns Raised by the Inspectors
Representation ID: 14326
Received: 26/06/2020
Respondent: Mr Nicholas Wright
The Local Plan should safeguard the link road from the A6 to the A5, as the Luton Local Plan does.
While I have raised the following issue before, I am not aware as to whether the Inspectors have considered the future situation during the course of their review of the local plan.
The point that appears not to have been covered in the Local Plan is the possibility of a road which might link the A6 tp A505, from the proposed roundabout on the A6 This proposed roundabout is to be build when developing the link road between the M1, Junction 11A to the A6.
In the Luton Local Plan, they have indicated a possible route where the land has been safeguarded but any such road would also have to pass through Central Bedfordshire. Why is such a possible road not indicated and planned for in the Local Plan for Central Bedfordshire? Do I assume that Central Bedfordshire has no such plan to built a link road to match the Luton Local Plan?.
As will be known, there has been, in the past, alternative proposals for a link road between A6 and A505, which would pass to the north of Warden Hill. This was indicated to be a preferred route. However, again, no such proposed road is shown within the Local Plan.
I would be grateful if this representation is submitted to the Inspectors.