Parking Standards for New Developments Draft (Nov 2022)
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Parking Standards for New Developments Draft (Nov 2022)
Parking Standards for New Developments Draft (Nov 2022)
Representation ID: 15998
Received: 10/11/2022
Respondent: Miss Louise Paul
I believe the standards set in 4.5 Table: Car parking standards for residential developments to be inadequate. Please see my full representation for further details.
For all new builds there should be a minimum of 2 parking spaces for one-bedroom properties and a minimum of 3 parking spaces for two and three- bedroomed properties. With a one-bedroom property, there is a very high chance that 2 people will be living there with 2 cars. It is not reasonable to say ask these 2 people to buy a property of at least 2 bedrooms just so that they have adequate parking. What happens is that the couples that have 2 cars will end up buying a one bedroom property as that is all they can afford. They know full well that there is not enough parking for them but feel they have no other choice and end up with parking problems. This also happens with other sized properties such as 2 and 3 bedroom properties. For example, a 3 bedroom property may have a family of 2 adults and 2 children living there. At some point the children are going to be of driving age and still living with the parents (due to not being able to afford to move out). The family will go from having 2 cars to 3 cars or maybe even 4 cars. They also will have no other choice but to end up with parking problems.
The above issues not only causes dangerous or obstructive parking but also lead to neighbor disputes.