Parking Standards for New Developments Draft (Nov 2022)

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Parking Standards for New Developments Draft (Nov 2022)

Parking Standards for New Developments Draft (Nov 2022)

Representation ID: 16014

Received: 22/11/2022

Respondent: Celia Lai

Representation Summary:

Dear CBC

I believe there should be a minimum of one parking space for every bedroom in every house to avoid on road/on pavement parking.

Most households these days have at least 2 cars and if they live in an area where public transport is not frequent and if the residents are doing shift work during unsocial hours cars are an essential commodity.

Many young adults live at home as unable to get a mortgage due to high property prices so they also need to get to work.

This is especially important in more rural areas.

I hope you will take my thoughts into consideration when making conditions for parking at currently unbuilt developments.

Yours faithfully

Full text:

Dear CBC

I believe there should be a minimum of one parking space for every bedroom in every house to avoid on road/on pavement parking.

Most households these days have at least 2 cars and if they live in an area where public transport is not frequent and if the residents are doing shift work during unsocial hours cars are an essential commodity.

Many young adults live at home as unable to get a mortgage due to high property prices so they also need to get to work.

This is especially important in more rural areas.

I hope you will take my thoughts into consideration when making conditions for parking at currently unbuilt developments.

Yours faithfully


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