Parking Standards for New Developments Draft (Nov 2022)
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Parking Standards for New Developments Draft (Nov 2022)
Parking Standards for New Developments Draft (Nov 2022)
Respondent: Mr Simon Royal
Representation Summary:
The standard fails to provide sufficient parking spaces for new developments, fails to address parking problems leading to lack of accessibility for emergency services vehicles and fails to provide a method (i.e. allocated parking spaces backed by mandatory parking permits) to make parking less of a lottery for homeowners.
Full text:
The section on standards for residential developments makes some good points about personal preferences for parking and how garages attached to houses are often never used. The report does however fail to address the issue of on-street parking in new developments where it is frequently very difficult to navigate the roads due to parked cars and the frequent lack of accessibility for Emergency Services vehicles is not addressed in any meaningful way.
The number of parking spaces based on bedroom is also not a viable approach to a standard as the standard also fails to address the issue that offspring are more likely than ever to remain at home with their parents for much longer than before. The standard should therefore be 2 beds/3 people = 3 spaces; 3 beds/4 people = 4 spaces, etc.
The allocation of .25 spaces irrespective of the size / occupancy of a property is also nonsensical.
The answer is surely to (a) provide enough spaces to support the driving population and (b) to allocate those spaces definitively by the issuing of parking permits for numbered allocated spaces.
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