Parking Standards for New Developments Draft (Nov 2022)

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Parking Standards for New Developments Draft (Nov 2022)

Parking Standards for New Developments Draft (Nov 2022)

Representation ID: 16023

Received: 03/12/2022

Respondent: Mrs Joanna Newbury

Representation Summary:

Please provide more parking for new housing - at least two per dwelling and an additional "visitor" parking space! In this day and age, most people work away from their local area and have more than one vehicle per family. without additional parking, travel on newer estates becomes difficult because of the cars parked on the streets.

Full text:

Please provide more parking for new housing - at least two per dwelling and an additional "visitor" parking space! In this day and age, most people work away from their local area and have more than one vehicle per family. without additional parking, travel on newer estates becomes difficult because of the cars parked on the streets.

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