Habitats Regulations Assessment Addendum

Ended on the 5 May 2021

Chapter 3. Summary and Next Steps

3.1 This Addendum has reviewed the proposed modifications to the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan, as well as the change in context since the 2018 HRA Report was produced. As set out in Chapter 2, the proposed modifications do not change the conclusions of the 2018 HRA Report, which are that no adverse effects on integrity will occur on any European sites as a result of the Local Plan, either alone or in-combination with other plans or projects.

3.2 Whilst references to the Habitats and Birds Directives and Habitats Regulations should be considered updated to account for the end of the Brexit transition period, the change in context does not affect the overall conclusions of the HRA.

3.3 This Addendum will be published for public consultation alongside the proposed modifications.


February 2021

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