
Parking Standards for New Developments Draft (Nov 2022)

Representation ID: 16019

Received: 08/11/2022

Respondent: Peter Holden

Representation Summary:

Good evening
For some reason - perhaps the age of my phone - I could not open your consultation document. However I have only
one comment and it is regarding planning layout of new houses and developments.
In our village (-------) we have cars parking on the road outside a very new million pound house entirely due to
poor planning controls. Original plans had double garage and parking for 4 cars. However reserved matters
increased the size of the garden and reduced the size of drive. The only parking for two cars is now directly in front
of garage doors so any more than two vehicles are parked on the grass verge of the public highway - which is
managed by the council.
Despite parish council correspondence about this, CBC planning could see no problems. This is not an isolated
incident although these circumstances are unique.
More common is parking designed to be in front of garages doors. Which discourages people from using garages
and forces them into the road.
I raise this point purely to illustrate that some parking issues could be resolved within your own planning

Full text:

Good evening
For some reason - perhaps the age of my phone - I could not open your consultation document. However I have only
one comment and it is regarding planning layout of new houses and developments.
In our village (-------) we have cars parking on the road outside a very new million pound house entirely due to
poor planning controls. Original plans had double garage and parking for 4 cars. However reserved matters
increased the size of the garden and reduced the size of drive. The only parking for two cars is now directly in front
of garage doors so any more than two vehicles are parked on the grass verge of the public highway - which is
managed by the council.
Despite parish council correspondence about this, CBC planning could see no problems. This is not an isolated
incident although these circumstances are unique.
More common is parking designed to be in front of garages doors. Which discourages people from using garages
and forces them into the road.
I raise this point purely to illustrate that some parking issues could be resolved within your own planning