
Parking Standards for New Developments Draft (Nov 2022)

Representation ID: 16026

Received: 06/12/2022

Respondent: Mr Brian Hunt

Representation Summary:

This document is excellent in that for the first time, it accepts reality as a fact. I have one issue in that I note reference at one point in it where it appears to indicate that developers of leasehold properties do not have to abide with the rules in this document. That MUST not be allowed to happen because the most recent developments are being sold on leasehold terms. Leasehold sales must not allow a loophole to exist. I would also like a more extensive comparison between existing and new standards to be provided for clarity.

Full text:

This document is excellent in that for the first time, it accepts reality as a fact. I have one issue in that I note reference at one point in it where it appears to indicate that developers of leasehold properties do not have to abide with the rules in this document. That MUST not be allowed to happen because the most recent developments are being sold on leasehold terms. Leasehold sales must not allow a loophole to exist. I would also like a more extensive comparison between existing and new standards to be provided for clarity.