Central Bedfordshire Pre-submission Local Plan (January 2018)

Ended on the 22 February 2018
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4 Vision and Objectives

4.1 The Vision - Where we want to be in 2035

4.1.1 This chapter examines the Vision for Central Bedfordshire and provides further explanation of how the area will look in 2035, if the challenges and opportunities identified are successfully addressed. It goes on to identify a series of Strategic Objectives to deliver the Vision, which form the basis of the policies in this document.

A Vision for 2035

Central Bedfordshire has taken full advantage of its exceptional strategic position as the central hub of the Cambridge-Milton Keynes-Oxford Arc and its existing strategic north-south routes to deliver new high tech employment supported by sustainable new homes in a number of new village clusters in the Marston Vale and on the A1 corridor and town extensions to Luton and Arlesey which are well integrated into an enhanced high quality landscape. The heritage and distinctiveness of the existing market towns and villages has been preserved and enhanced by moderate growth ensuring a high quality environment for all residents. The new businesses and population are served by excellent community, transport and communications infrastructure and multi-service hubs have been delivered to support strong communities.

4.2 The Strategic Objectives – How we will get there

4.2.1 The following Strategic Objectives provide the stepping stones between the Vision set out above, and the Local Plan for Central Bedfordshire, and form the basis of the plan policies.

Growth & Infrastructure

Strategic Objectives:

SO1 Ensuring sustainable growth and associated infrastructure including the continued regeneration of town and neighbourhood centres to deliver the annual target for new homes and the provision of integrated health and care hubs

SO2 Delivering enough homes and jobs to meet our needs. Promote and demand good urban design practices throughout all types and scale of development across Central Bedfordshire

Local Plan Policies:

SP1, SP2, SP5, SP7, R1, R2, R3, T1, EE12, HQ1, HQ2, HQ5, HQ9, HQ11

Local Character

Strategic Objectives:

SO3 Conserve and enhance the area's heritage and settings by ensuring new development, including changes to the public realm, are of high quality design, appropriate to the significance of the heritage asset, and seek to maintain and enhance the contribution of built, landscaped and buried heritage

SO4 Create high quality neighbourhoods that have regard for local character and use sustainability principles which are sensitive and responsive to the significance of the local environment, are distinctive, safe, functional and accessible and which reinforce the identity of the area's townscapes, landscape and public places

Local Plan Policies:

SP3, SP4, SP5, EE4, EE5, EE6, EE7, EE8, EE9, HQ1, HQ7, HQ8, HQ9, HE1, HE2, HE3, DC1, DC2, DC3, DC5

Jobs & Business

Strategic Objectives:

SO5 Provide a minimum of 24,000 new jobs by 2035, accommodating new economic growth along strategic and sustainable transportation routes, new mixed use developments and existing established sites

SO6 Recognise the contribution of land for employment uses to meet the needs of different sectors of the economy and manage the release of surplus employment land for other uses where appropriate

SO7 Link deprived areas with employment benefits arising from the development of major sites and existing key locations

Local Plan Policies:



Strategic Objectives:

SO8 Address housing needs in Central Bedfordshire using appropriate affordable housing targets and policies to encourage quality and choice

Local Plan Policies:

SP1, SP8, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, DC3


Strategic Objectives:

SO9 Reduce the reliance on the use of the car by improving facilities at bus and train stations, delivering transport interchanges and by promoting safe and sustainable forms of transport, such as improved walking and cycling routes

SO10 Ensure a reliable network of east/west and north/south public transport routes to improve access to local services and facilities, especially for those without a car, through well planned routes and integrated public transport. Encouraging the shift from road to rail freight to reduce demands on the highway network

Local Plan Policies:

T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, EE11, HQ1, HQ2


Strategic Policies:

SO11 Promote healthier and more active lifestyles by improving the quality of, and accessibility to, the area's open spaces, as areas for sports, recreation, visual interest, biodiversity, education, health and well being

SO12 Encourage the development of wildlife corridors and networks and provide new open spaces in line with the requirements identified in Central Bedfordshire's Leisure Strategy

SO13 Support the necessary changes to adapt to climate change by minimising emissions of carbon and local air quality pollutants, protecting and enhancing biodiversity. Improving and protecting air and water quality, reducing flood risk and adverse impacts from noise including the safeguarding of quiet areas and reducing the impacts of contaminated land

Local Plan Policies:

SP3, EE1, EE2, EE3, EE4, EE5, EE6, EE7, EE8, EE9, EE10, EE11, EE12, T6, CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, CC5, CC6, CC7, CC8, HQ1, HQ10, DC1, DC2, DC4, DC5

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