Proposed Main Modifications Schedule

Ended on the 5 May 2021

Chapter 1: Introduction


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 1.5

Paragraph 1.5.2

Modification The Council is therefore putting in hand a further assessment of the Identified Areas for Future Growth to run alongside emerging decisions on strategic infrastructure routes, timing and services, together with provision of wider infrastructure and delivery support. This assessment will inform a Partial Review of this Plan which will contribute to the ongoing work in the Central Corridor Area. The As such, a Partial Review of the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan is proposed to identify investigate opportunities for future growth that can capitalise on Government decisions around strategic infrastructure. to start within six months of adoption of this Plan and complete as soon as decisions on routing and financial commitment to strategic infrastructure are in place.


Consequential change to delete text reflecting the proposed removal of Identified Locations for Future Growth (EXAM 12) and to improve plan clarity.

There are no Proposed Draft Main Modifications to Chapters 2 or 3

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