Proposed Main Modifications Schedule

Ended on the 5 May 2021

Chapter 6: The Proposed Locations for Growth


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 6.2

Paragraphs 6.2.7, 6.2.8


6.2.7: The proposed allocations in this area are:

  • North of Luton – around 4000 approximately 3600 homes and approximately 7ha employment
  • Extensions to Barton le Clay, Chalton, Eaton Bray, Flitwick, Harlington, Hockliffe, Houghton Regis, Leighton Linslade, Luton (Caddington parish) Toddington and Westoning.
  • Sundon Rail Freight Interchange (RFI) M1 Junction 11a (around 40 45 hectares for employment).

6.2.8: Houghton Regis North Sites 1 and 2 both have planning permission for strategic scale development and are included in this Plan as Strategic Commitments.

6.2.8: Land West of Luton is an Identified Location for future development and will be considered in the Partial Plan Review. This land has a potential capacity for around 2,000 homes, but does not contribute to the Plan target of 39,350 homes.


To reflect Council's response to EXAM 69 and following discussion at earlier hearings

Consequential change to reflect the proposed removal of Identified Locations for Future Growth (EXAM 12) and following discussion at earlier hearings


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 6.3

Paragraphs 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3, 6.3.5, 6.3.6, 6.3.7


6.3.1: While there is great future potential for large scale growth in this area as a result of service improvements on the East Coast Mainline shown by the allocation of a new village East of Biggleswade and an a 2000 home extension to Arlesey in this Plan and the recent permission for a 1,500 home East of Biggleswade Garden Community,. iIt is recognised that to take forward further significant growth in this area, there has to be greater clarity on the routing of both the Expressway and the Central Section of East West Rail. This will enable an informed approach to the siting and planning of new settlement scale strategic sites and will be addressed in the Partial Plan Review set out in section 5.5.

6.3.2: The Government has, however, demonstrated clear support for the timing and funding of the east-west connectivity proposals in the Autumn Budget (November 2017). which has led to the Identified Location at Tempsford which Potential future growth that can capitalise on its exceptional location for a new strategic rail interchange on the new East West Rail line and the existing East Coast Mainline. This potential, dependent on route and station decisions, this will also be addressed in the Partial Plan Review.

6.3.3: Investment from the developments themselves and from other funding sources to increase the capacity of the stretch of the A1 through Central Bedfordshire will be absolutely critical in moving forward with multiple significant strategic scale growth proposals in this eastern area. Wider growth of up to three additional new villages East of Biggleswade is also therefore identified in addition to Tempsford in this Plan as an Identified Location for Future Growth, recognising that there is potential scope in the longer term for greater levels of growth if the infrastructure required to deliver this is secured, to be addressed in the Partial Plan Review.

6.3.4 3

6.3.5 4:

  •  "East of Biggleswade (around 1500 homes)
  • East of Arlesey (around 2000 homes)
  • Extensions to Arlesey, Biggleswade, Dunton, Everton, Langford, Potton and Sutton Approximately 740 dwellings.
  •  A1 Corridor – Holme Farm, Biggleswade South (around 60 78 hectares for employment)".

6.3.6: Land at North, South and East of Tempsford is safeguarded for future development, to be assessed further in the Partial Plan Review. The Review will consider the potential capacity for 10,000+ homes but does not contribute to the Plan target of 39,350 homes".

6.3.7: Land East of Biggleswade, east of the allocated village, south of Sutton and west of Dunton is an Identified Location for future development. Subject to the Partial Plan Review, this land has a potential capacity of up to 5000 homes, but does not contribute to the plan target of 39,350 homes".


To improve plan clarity and following discussion at the hearings (reflecting that East of Biggleswade now has consent and is being considered as a commitment).

Consequential change to reflect the proposed removal of Identified Locations for Future Growth (EXAM 12)

Consequential change to reflect the proposed removal of Identified Locations for Future Growth (EXAM 12)

To improve plan clarity (correcting sites names and removing references to sites no longer proposed as allocations following the Examination Hearings. East of Biggleswade has been moved to the Strategic Commitments section of the Plan (Section 7.10).

Consequential change for clarity and effectiveness


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 6.4

Paragraphs 6.4.4, 6.4.6, 6.4.8, 6.4.9


6.4.4: The future opportunities in this area for consideration in the Partial Plan Review are related to the proposed future strategic infrastructure investment committed for East-West Rail and the Expressway. This strategy supports the proposed East-West rRail route and the Oxford-Cambridge Expressway and in turn the National Infrastructure Commission's central finding that the Oxford-Cambridge area, which runs through Central Bedfordshire, provides a 'once in a generation opportunity' to be the UK's Silicon Valley, delivering growth in science, technology and innovation6.

6.4.6: There is also some potential north of the railway line in an area known as the Aspley Guise Triangle for mixed use development in the form of new villages. However as development cannot come forward until the route of the Expressway has been finalised which is estimated to be post 2021, it has been identified as a safeguarding Location for consideration in the Partial Plan Review rather than an allocation to ensure that the route is not sterilised.

6,4,8: 6.4.7:

The Allocations proposed in this area are:

  • Marston Vale New Villages (around 5000 homes) plus a business park and approximately 30ha of employment)
  • Extensions to Aspley Guise, Cranfield, Wixams and Marston Moretaine.
  • M1 Junction 13 Marston Gate (around 40 30 hectares for employment)

6.4.9: Land at Aspley Guise (North of the Railway Line) is safeguarded for future development for consideration in the Partial Plan Review. This land has a potential capacity for around 3,000 homes but does not contribute to the Plan target of 39,350 homes.


Consequential change to reflect the proposed removal of Identified Locations for Future Growth (EXAM 12)

To reflect Council's response to EXAM 69 (updating employment figure for Marston Valley, renaming to reflect allocation (SE2) for consistency, and adding total for small/medium sites).


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 6.5

Paragraphs 6.5.4, 6.5.5


6.5.4: However the mixed use development at RAF Henlow exploits this unique existing asset and its strategic location at the heart of the Oxford-Cambridge Arc meaning that it has potential to enhance, unlock and create new economic growth within the global tech sectors which will maximise returns for the UK economy.


  • RAF Henlow (mixed use specialist employment)
  • Extensions to Campton, Clifton, Haynes, Henlow, Lower Stondon, Maulden, Meppershall, Moggerhanger, Northill, Shefford, Shillington and Upper Gravenhurst.


To reflect the proposed removal from the Plan as part of removing all Appendix 7 sites from the plan (Examination Hearings)

Consequential change to proposed removal of RAF Henlow from the Plan (Examination Hearings).


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 6.6

Paragraph 6.6.3


6.6.3: It is also clear that tThe full identified net capacity of allocated sites is set out in Policy SP1. For most strategic sites,The total capacity of the strategic sites is greater than needed within the Plan period to meet the housing requirement, and only a proportion of the overall capacity will count towards the Plan target for new homes. based on reasonable assumptions in relation to delivery rates, the full quantum of the allocation will not be delivered during the plan period. T Based on reasonable assumptions, the expected delivery rates within the Plan period, and the residual to be delivered outside of the pPlan period, is shown in the delivery rates table in section 7. Therefore, in many cases, only a proportion of the overall capacity figure will count towards the plan target for new homes.


For clarity and effectiveness.


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Policy SP1


A minimum of 39,350 homes, and a minimum of approximately 24,000 new jobs will be delivered in Central Bedfordshire over the period 2015 to 2035. This number Of the 39,350 homes, this includes around 23,528 27,696 homes which are already planned for or built, as well as 7,350 homes to be delivered by 2031 to meet unmet housing need arising from Luton.

In order to accommodate the growth required up to 2035 in a sustainable and controlled manner, growth will be distributed throughout Central Bedfordshire, including on land currently designated as Green Belt. Green Belt boundaries will be redrawn for a small number of sites where a strong case can be made that they meet the exceptional criteria circumstances tests for removal and allocation for housing.

New homes and jobs will be delivered via a combination of strategic and small -medium scale allocations throughout Central Bedfordshire. Strategic allocations will be made at the following locations:

  • North of Luton (Town Extension) - 4,000 approximately 3,100 homes and 7ha 20ha employment land.
  • M1 Junction 11a Sundon Rail Freight Interchange (RFI) - Strategic Employment Area - 45ha
  • Marston Valley (New Villages) - 5,000 homes and 30ha 40ha employment land.
  • M1 Junction 13 Marston Gate - Strategic Employment Area - 3530ha
  • East of Arlesey (Town Extension) - 2,000 homes
  • RAF Henlow (Mixed Use Specialist Employment) - 130 hectares.
  • East of Biggleswade (New Village) - 1,500 homes – 2 ha employment land
  • A1 Corridor -Holme Farm, Biggleswade South - Strategic Employment Area - 60ha 78ha, including approximately 25ha of mixed B2, B8 and E(g) uses and 30ha of B8 strategic floorspace

In addition, the unmet housing needs of 7,350 homes arising from Luton will be delivered by 2031 through a combination of the following sites:

  • (SC1) North Houghton Regis (1&2)
  • (SA1) North of Luton
  • (HAS05) Land East of Barton le Clay
  • (HAS07) Caddington Park, Caddington
  • (HAS14) Land off Eaton Park
  • (HAS17) Land South West of Steppingley Road, Flitwick
  • (HAS18) Site adj. to Flitwick Garden Allotments off Steppingley Road
  • (HAS19) Land at Upper Gravenhurst/The Pyghtle
  • (HAS20) Land West of the Midland Mainline Railway, Harlington
  • (HAS21) Land West of Sundon Road, Harlington
  • (HAS25) Land at Leighton Road, Hockliffe
  • (HAS26) A5 Watling Street, Hockliffe
  • (HAS28) Bidwell Gospel Hall (Dell Mount)
  • (HAS29) Land to the East of Houghton Regis
  • (HAS38) Land fronting Silsoe Road, Maulden
  • (HAS49) Land East of Leighton Road, Toddington
  • (HAS50) Alma Farm, Toddington.
  • (HAS51) Land off Flitwick Road, Westoning
  • (HAS52) West View Farm, Westoning

Development will also be brought forward through Neighbourhood Plans, and through medium and small-scale extensions to villages and towns throughout Central Bedfordshire (as identified in Policy HA1) and through Neighbourhood Plans.

Planning applications for piecemeal development that prejudices the delivery of allocations set out in this policy will be refused.


For clarity and effectiveness


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 6.7

Paragraph 6.7.1


6.7.1: In addition to the Strategic Sites identified above, the Plan also allocates 52 48 small and medium sites for residential development. Ranging in size from 12 up to 650 dwellings, and spread throughout Central Bedfordshire, these can be brought forward for development more quickly than larger sites, and so aid delivery. These smaller and medium sized sites will also provide better choice in the market, opportunities for SME builders, and enable our settlements to grow in ways that are sustainable, and respect and enhance the character and identity of our settlements and countryside. A number of sites which will be released from the Green Belt and which sit within the Luton Housing Market Area, will also contribute towards meeting the unmet housing need from Luton. These include the delivery on sites up to 2031 at Barton Le Clay, Caddington, Harlington and Toddington.


To improve plan clarity as set out in EXAM 41.


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 6.8

Paragraphs 6.8.3, 6.8.5


6.8.2 3

6.8.4 There are two 'tools' for types of neighbourhood planning that may be produced;

  • Neighbourhood Plans which may allocate land outside of Green Belt for development and/or include policies against which planning applications are judged; ……..

Delete heading prior to paragraph 6.8.4 and 6.8.5 as follows:


Neighbourhood Plan Areas Outside of Green Belt

Neighbourhood Plan Areas in Green Belt

6.8.5: Neighbourhood Plans cannot however allocate land for development in the Green Belt as changes to the Green Belt can only be made through a review of the Local Plan. Instead they can include aspirations for the future, which may include a recommendation that the Green Belt boundary is altered to allow for a specific development in a future Local Plan Review. This Plan has taken into account aspirations from Neighbourhood Planning Groups in Green Belt settlements when determining draft allocations.

6.8.6 5


To improve plan clarity.

To improve plan clarity and to reflect updated national policy


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Table 6.2


Table 6.2 Existing dwelling commitments at 31.09.17 01.04.20

Type of commitment

Number of dwellings to be delivered in the Plan period plan period

Net Ccompletions April 2015 – Oct 17 April 2020

4,335 10,226

Existing allocations

7,742 5,481

Strategic sites (with planning permission)

6,780 7,436

Large windfall (with planning permission)

4,023 3,821

Small windfall (with planning permission)

648 732


23,528 27,696


To improve clarity and following discussion at the Hearings.


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 6.9

Paragraph 6.9.2


6.9.2: The t Table 6.2 above sets out the amount of housing which is already allocated by a previous development plan or benefits from planning permission. These are called dwelling commitments and together with the number of completions to date, they are expected to deliver 27,696 23,528 dwellings during the 2015-2035 plan period. A breakdown of all these commitments can be found in the Housing trajectory (October 2017)


To improve plan clarity


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 6.10

Paragraph 6.10.1

Modification The remaining homes will be provided through allocations made in this Plan and via windfall delivery. This Plan makes a moderate windfall allowance as windfall sites are expected to continue to be a reliable source of delivery in Central Bedfordshire. , with a moderate amount of 'windfall' included in addition to provide a contingency on the plan target.

Table 6.3: New Housing Growth

Proposed Housing Supply

Number of Ddwellings Expected to be delivered in the Plan Pperiod

Small and Medium Allocations

5,505 5,162

New Strategic Allocations

9,900 9,025*

Windfall Allowance (post 5 years)

2,590 2,640

Windfall allowance (five year supply period only)

307 233


18,302 17,060

*Some strategic sites also deliver beyond the plan period (2035) refer to the Housing Trajectory (Appendix 8) for more information.


To improve plan clarity and following discussion at the Hearings.


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Table 6.3


Insert new paragraph and table after Table 6.3 as follows:

6.9.5 When completions, existing commitments, new allocations and an allowance for windfall are combined, the total housing delivery over the period 2015-3035 is as follows:

Table 6.4: Total Delivery in the plan period up to 2035


Number of dwellings

Net completions 2015-2020


Existing commitments


New strategic allocations


Small and medium allocations


Windfall allowance




*Some strategic sites also deliver beyond the plan period (2035) refer to the Housing Trajectory (Appendix 8) for more information.


To improve plan clarity and following discussion at the Hearings.


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Table 6.4


Add new paragraph before Table 6.4 In order to deliver the jobs target identified and to contribute to meeting footloose strategic warehousing needs, the following additional land is allocated.

Table 6.4 5 : New Strategic Employment Land Allocations

Existing Permission and AllocationsLocation

Area (Ha)

RAF Henlow Specialist Employment


B8 Strategic Allocation – M1 Junction 11A Sundon Rail Freight Interchange


B8 Strategic Allocation – M1 Junction 13 Marston Gate

B8 Strategic Allocation – A1 Junction 11 Holme Farm, Biggleswade


Marston Valley

40 30

North of Luton

20 7

East of Biggleswade



177Ha 197ha


To improve plan clarity.

To improve plan clarity and consequential change to reflect removal of RAF Henlow from the Plan.

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