Proposed Main Modifications Schedule

Ended on the 5 May 2021

Chapter 10: Planning for Gypsies and Travellers


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 10.3

Paragraphs 10.3.3, 10.3.4,


10.3.3 The GTAA identifies that 71 29 pitches will be required up to 2035 to

meet identified needs. 14 of these pitches need to be delivered by 2021

in order to ensure Central Bedfordshire has an up to date 5 year supply. The

Council's monitoring data shows it has already exceeded this figure and that a

five-year supply can be maintained over the Plan period. On this basis it is not

necessary to allocate land within this local plan for additional Gypsy and

Traveller pitches. Where there is no identified need for Gypsy and Traveller

pitches, the PPTS states that criteria-based policies should be included in

Local Plans against which applications will be tested. Future windfall planning

applications will be determined against Policy H8: Assessing Planning

Applications for Gypsy and Traveller sites, and other relevant policies in this


10.3.4 With regards to Travelling Showpeople, it has been identified that there

is a need for 3122 additional plots across Central Bedfordshire to 2035. 16 of

these plots need to be delivered by 2021 in order to ensure Central Bedfordshire

has an up to date 5 year supply.The Council's monitoring data shows it has

almost achieved this figure. The remaining identified need will be met through

appropriate windfall planning applications, and the Council is confident that it

can maintain a five-year supply over the Local Plan period. As with Gypsy and

Traveller pitches, where there is no identified need for Travelling Showpeople

plots, criteria-based policies should be included in Local Plans against which

applications will be tested. Future windfall applications will be determined

against Policy H9: Assessing Planning Applications for Travelling Showpeople

Sites and other relevant policies in this Plan.


For clarity, effectiveness and to reflect the evidence base.


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Policy SP8


SP8: Gypsy and Traveller, and Travelling Showpeople Pitch Requirement

Gypsy and Travellers

The Council has already approved a sufficient number of pitches will facilitate the development of up to 71 pitches to meet the Gypsy and Traveller accommodation need in Central Bedfordshire over the period 2015 - 2035.

Windfall Aapplications will be determined against Policy H8: Assessing planning applications for Gypsy and Traveller sites, and other relevant policies in this Plan.

Travelling Showpeople

With regards Travelling Showpeople, Tthe Council will facilitate the development delivery of up to 31 22 plots to meet the need of travelling showpeople in Central Bedfordshire over the period 2015 - 2035.

Windfall Aapplications will be determined against Policy H9:Assessing planning applications for Travelling Showpeople sites, and other relevant policies in this Plan.


For clarity, effectiveness and to reflect the evidence base

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