Proposed Main Modifications Schedule

Ended on the 5 May 2021

Chapter 14: Transport


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 14.5, Paragraph 14.5.2


14.5.2: Major Ddevelopment will be required to evidence whether there is sufficient capacity in the transport network to accommodate the increase in demand to travel. The CBLTM will form the basis to any assessment of transport capacity requirements. Further bespoke capacity assessments may also be required to test specific local impacts of development. Strategic network assessments are likely to be required for those developments which have an impact on the network, including cross-boundary movement. Further detailed modelling will also be required to design and test mitigation schemes.


For clarity and effectiveness.


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 14.6, Paragraph 14.6.4


14.6.4At a more strategic level, due to the lack of self-containment of many settlements in Central Bedfordshire, developments will be required to facilitate links to public transport provision so that residents can access facilities further afield by means other than a car.

Completed developments should be within a 400 metre threshold of a bus stop or 800 metres of a railway station with at least a half-hourly peak hour service provision in order to ensure public transport use is a realistic alternative to the car. This is supported by the Local Transport Plan which seeks to encourage development along public transport corridors.


For clarity and effectiveness


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Policy T1


Policy T1: Mitigation of Transport Impacts on the Network

Travel Plans, Travel Plan Statements and Transport Assessments will be required for any development which meets or exceeds the Gross Floor Area thresholds set out in the Council's Guidance on Travel Plans and Transport Assessment.

It should be demonstrated how the proposal will seek to reduse reduce the need to travel and secure a modal shift towards sustainable forms of transport. This should be through an approach which first considers the ability to cater for walking and cycling, provide suitable public transport services, and make better use of existing highway capacity before considering the provision of additional roads.

Evidence must be provided in Transport Assessments to demonstrate:

  • The principles established to give priority to pedestrians and other vulnerable road users in new developments, together with links to local service provision18 .
  • Comprehensive,and convenient and safe pedestrian and cycle links to schools, local employment and service provision.
  • Connectivity with existing walking and cycling networks; and
  • Robust consideration of the cumulative impacts of planned growth, including the cross-boundary impacts where appropriate.

Suitable bus or rail service provision within 400 metres (bus) or 800 metres (rail) safe walking distance offering at least a half-hourly peak hour service to a variety of service centres and interchanges.

Transport Assessments and Travel Plans must demonstrate how the development can be served by public transport services and the frequency of the service.

Where a Travel Plan is in place, the developer and/or user will provide an annual update on their action plan, reporting progress against agreed aims and targets for a minimum of 5 years post occupation.

The Council will also require financial contributions towards sustainable travel infrastructure and/ or promotional activity where connectivity to existing infrastructure is not suitable. The Council will require developers to deliver Travel Plan measures as outlined in their approved Travel Plans, particularly in relation to sustainable travel mode share targets and in some cases, will require an up-front financial contribution to be used to fund requisite additional measures/ corrective action.


To ensure that the policy is justified and effective.


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Policy T2


Policy T2: Highways Safety &and Design

Proposals for new development must not have a detrimental effect on highway safety and patterns of movement and must provide appropriate access in accordance with and have regard to the Council's standards as set out in the Council's Design Guide and Highway Construction Standards and Specifications Guidance.

Development will be permitted where:

  1. The proposal is, or will be,well integrated with the existing transport network within and beyond the development itself; avoiding severance of communities as a result of measures to accommodate increased levels of traffic on the network;
  2. The proposal does not impede the free flow of traffic on the existing network or create hazards to that traffic and other road users;
  3. The proposal retains or enhances existing footpaths, bridleways and cycleway links;
  4. The proposal promotes walking and cycling permeability and ensures that linkages and publicly accessible through-routes are created to successfully integrate the development into wider networks;
  5. The development provides safe and convenient access in accordance and has regard to the with appropriate standards in the Council's Design Guide and Highway Construction Standards and Specifications Guidance, that promote accessibility for all users and all modes of transport and includes designs, where appropriate, that incorporate low speeds;
  6. The proposal must avoid locations where the cumulative impacts of congestion is likely to remain severe following mitigation;
  7. The proposal must make adequate provision for loading and unloading, circulation, servicing and vehicle turning; and
  8. The proposal fully funds where appropriate, or contributes towards the costs of any measures required to cost effectively mitigate the impacts arising from the development

Development will be refused on transport grounds where the residual cumulative impacts of development are severe.


For clarity and effectiveness


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 14.9, Paragraph 14.9.1


14.9.1: The provision of car parking associated with new developments for housing and all commercial uses should adhere to the guidelines established by should have regard to the Central Bedfordshire Design Guide and the Parking Strategy which forms part of the Local Transport Plan.


To improve plan clarity and increase flexibility.


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Policy T3


Policy T3: Parking

Developers of new residential, commercial and other trip generating developments, must have regard to the car parking standards set out in the Central Bedfordshire Council's Design Guide and Parking Strategy.

Parking for commercial and other trip generating developments must be provided with have regard to with the standards set out in the Central Bedfordshire Council's Car Parking Strategy.

Provision for cycle parking in new developments must have regard to the standards in the Central Bedfordshire guidance for cycle parking in new developments Cycle Parking Annex of the Local Transport Plan.

Provision of lorry parking and waiting facilities for all new industrial and commercial units, including quarries and waste management facilities must be made on site unless suitable alternative HGV parking and waiting facilities are available within the locality.

Suitable proposals for lorry rest facilities will be supported where they applicant has demonstrated meet the identified there is a commercial demand.


For clarity and effectiveness.


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 14.10, Paragraph 14.10.1


14.10.1: The importance of public transport connectivity in forming an essential element to new development will help further support the viability of public transport services in Central Bedfordshire, together with the vitality of our market towns.

The ability to access bus and rail services is an essential element of the transport strategy for new development. It helps support the viability of public transport services and the vitality of our market towns.

Insert two new paragraphs (14.10.2 and 14.10.3) after paragraph 14.10.1 as follows:

14.10.2: For Central Bedfordshire, interchanges can range from a cluster of bus stops in a market town, which enable interchange from one bus service to another, to larger bus/ rail/ walking and cycling interchanges, such as those located at Leighton Buzzard, Flitwick and Biggleswade. These larger facilities should enable interchange between bus and rail by providing a high-quality waiting area and onward travel information, enabling a connected journey for locations that are not within walking or cycling distance of a railway station. An interchange should also be served by appropriate walking and cycling routes.

14.10.3: Where new development is proposed that will create demand for public transport services outlined as part of their Transport Assessment, this will be reflected in a requirement to contribute to, or provide improvements to an appropriate transport interchange, alongside the enhancement of bus services under the requirements of policy T1.


For clarity and effectiveness.


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Policy T4


Policy T4: Public Transport Interchanges

Developments within close proximity to bus and rail interchanges should provide enhanced access in order to encourage more public transport use, cycling and walking, support the viability of services and enhance the vitality of the town centres in which they are located.

All major d evelopments should promote connectivity to the transport interchange through Transport Assessments and Travel Plans,

Where Transport Assessments and Travel Plans are required, in accordance with Policy T1, these should detail and promote connectivity and enhanced access to a transport interchange.

Typical measures may include current timetables, maps, equipment providing real time passenger information

Contributions to improve interchange infrastructure and to promote links to the end user will be sought.

Development will not be permitted should it compromise the ability of the authority to fully utilise and expand interchanges as required

Developments that create a demand for public transport services should provide enhanced access to, and/or facilities at, an appropriate transport interchange. This may include all or some of the following:

  • Contributions to capital works to enhance interchange infrastructure, for example car and cycle parking or access for all, or provide new interchanges and/or associated facilities
  • Connecting walking and cycling routes to enable walk/rail and cycle/rail interchange
  • Bus stop infrastructure
  • Highway works to accommodate existing and new bus services

Development will not be permitted where it would compromise the ability of the authority to fully utilise and expand transport interchanges in line with existing or anticipated future demand.


To improve plan clarity and following discussion at Hearings (in particular to amend "in close proximity", "major development" and "End user").


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 14.11, Paragraphs 14.11.3 – 14.11.4


14.11.3: The increased uptake of ULEV will could entail the provision of one or a combination of at least one of the following in new development:

  • On-site passive provision of suitable electrical cabling for homeowners to provide their own charging points more easily at a later date;"

14.11.4: In the absence advance of prescribed standards being set out in the Local Transport Plan, requirements will be based on case by case negotiation between planning authority and the developer…….


To improve plan clarity and consistency with policy following discussion at the Hearings.


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Policy T5


Policy T5: Ultra Low Emission Vehicles

The following new developments will be required to provide active charging points posts, passive provision such as cabling and electricity supply for future demand, or contributions for future installation as demand increases for to support the provision of Ultra Low Emissions Vehicles:

  • Residential developments
  • Supermarkets or retail areas
  • Employment sites
  • University sites Education facilities, including Universities
  • Other large-scale trip generating uses

The provision of charging points will be negotiated on a case by case basis until standards are set out in the Local Transport Plan which will then be applied to all qualifying developments.


For clarity and effectiveness


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Section 14.12, Paragraph 14.12.2


14.12.2: The Local Transport Plan will seek to enable the efficient and reliable transportation of freight and encourage the movement of freight by sustainable modes whilst minimising the negative impact of freight trips on local communities. There are a number of freight generators in Central Bedfordshire. These include:


  • The Local Transport Plan seeks to enable the efficient and reliable transportation of freight, and encourage the movement of freight by sustainable modes whilst minimising the negative impact of freight trips on local communities.


For clarity and effectiveness


Category/ Policy No./ Paragraph No.

Policy T6


Policy T6: Movement and Management of Freight

Where a development will result in the movement of freight as part of its operations, Central Bedfordshire Council will:

  • Require evidence in the Transport Assessment that realistic alternatives to the movement of freight by road-based haulage are not possible or practical.
  • Ensure that developments forecast to generate significant freight movements are located where they deliver the greatest benefit for, businesses, and the least negative impact on the environment and local communities for example within industrial areas close to the Designated Road Freight Network.
  • Ensure that sufficient land is provided for anticipated freight facilities associated with new developments including construction traffic.
  • Ensure that proposals likely to generate freight sufficiently mitigate any forecast impacts on local communities and the environment through traffic management measures and developer contributions ·
  • Require traffic management measures and developer contributions to mitigate impacts where necessary.


To improve plan clarity and following discussion at the Hearings (Make policy clearer and change title to Movement & Management of Freight).

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